Greetings CAMS Families:
We are committed to student growth and high performance! Teachers have been receiving professional development and using data to tailor instruction with the needs of our students.
Our Dean of students and support staff have been implementing restorative practices and positive school climate initiatives so that students want to be in school and want to be successful while being here.
With your support and active engagement, we can stay true to our mission in ensuring each student is successful within and beyond school.
We have a full week in school. Together, let us make the best of it!
Thank you, parents and guardians for all you do!
Please continue to reinforce the below-referenced items at home:
1. Check PowerSchool on a weekly basis to remain informed of student academic performance. If you require assistance with gaining access to PowerSchool, please contact school counselors - Karen Goldman and Allison Glenney at (860) 286-2622.
2. Adhere to all academic and behavioral expectations including daily class schedules and school procedures/policies.
3. Come to school, daily, on time, in uniform, and focused on being successful!
4. Monitor your student’s peer groups and social activity outside of school. We must eliminate all distractions to teaching and learning.
5. Be prepared each day with:
a) Large 3-ring binder (that zips closed, if possible)
b) School agenda
c) Notebook paper
d) Lock for the locker (purses, bags, cell phones, and personal items are to be placed in student lockers)
e) Two pocket folders for each subject (i.e., math, science, language arts, and social studies)
f) Pencils and pens
6. Be present and on time for each class. Violation of this policy will result in detention and possibly suspension, if chronic.
7. Ensure cell phones, ear pods, and Apple watches are not heard or seen by anyone at any time while in school. All will be confiscated should there be a violation of this expectation.
8. Follow the dress code guidelines found on page 12 of the Student Handbook:
a. Collard Tops and Sweaters: White, Yellow, Black
b. Bottoms: Khaki, Navy, and Black
c. No hoodies
d. No open toe shoes
e. No leggings, no sweats, no jeans
If a student is not in compliance with this policy, a parent/guardian will be asked to bring in appropriate clothing to school.
9. Outside food deliveries are not allowed.
10. Stay current and read our monthly newsletter.
Upcoming Events and Happenings:
a) PTO Meeting Thursday, November 21 at 6:30 p.m.
b) Be in the know with Bloomfield_APP.png
Best Regards,
Dr. Trevor L. Ellis, Principal